Woke up this morning at around 8 and saw this nice mist. Not too thick, perfect for some photos.
I didn't plan anything, so I quickly packed my bag. Normally a morning mist clears up pretty quick.
For those interested, this is what I took with me:
Sony a7RII
Canon nFD 14mm f/2.8L
Canon nFD 20-35 f/3.5L
Canon nFD 50mm f/3.5 Macro
Canon nFD 85mm f/1.2L
Sirui N-1004KX tripod with K-10X ballhead.
All (exept the tripod) packed in a Tink Tank Retrospective 7.
Now let's get to the photos.
nFD 20-35 f/3.5L (crop)
The first real time I took the nFD 20-35 with me. I'm very impressed with the quality of this lens. This will definitely replace my wide-angel combo (20,24,35) for landscapes.
nFD 50mm f/3.5 Macro
The nFD 50/3.5 Macro is one of those lenses I always take with me. It only weighs 235 grams and is incredibly sharp. And I love macro!
nFD 50mm f/3.5 Macro
nFD 20-35 f/3.5L
Sometimes it's hard to choose between color and b/w. Here's both.
nFD 20-35 f/3.5L
nFD 85mm f/1.2L
This was probably the most difficult shot I took today. A bit hard to explain, but this 'tunnel' view was incredible. All those layers and colors.
nFD 20-35 f/3.5L
As I was about the go home I decided to just take a few more steps. And I was so glad I did. A new part was added to the forest since I last visited.
nFD 20-35 f/3.5L
nFD 20-35 f/3.5L
nFD 50mm f/3.5 Macro
nFD 50mm f/3.5 Macro
nFD 50mm f/3.5 Macro
nFD 20-35 f/3.5L
nFD 20-35 f/3.5L
The end of autumn. Leafs everywhere! A bit of a different angle.
nFD 50mm f/3.5 Macro
Little mini-world on top of a tree trunk.
nFD 85mm f/1.2L
I call this the easy autumn shot. If you have a lens with anything larger than f/2.8, you can take this shot easily.
nFD 85mm f/1.2L
On my way home I spotted this Robin. It was hopping branches beside me.. Although I really needed an Auto focus lens for this, this shot turned out pretty good.
I took a three hour walk through the forest. I had four conversations about photography, pet 8 dogs (I'm a cat person) and had lots of fun.
Thanks for reading!